Discover our UX research and user tests resources

Feel free to download, search, exchange these resources to better understand the world of user research. If you have any questions please contact our experts at

Ferpection joins forces with Unguess

Press Release Unguess partnershipCheck out the full story in our Press Release

Ferpection and Unguess partner to fuel the UX and QA European tech scene.


Our whitepapers, free research reports, glossary and checklists

Luxury Benchmark ReportLuxury Benchmark Report

This benchmark identifies the main points of friction and satisfaction encountered by users during a classic shopping experience on a luxury brand website.


UX Research White PaperUX Research White Paper

The complete guide to user experience: definitions, questions, different UX research methods, setting up and succeeding in UX research, becoming a UX researcher and more!


UX Case Study - League of LegendsUX Case Study - League of Legends

UX and video games: what are the main areas for improvement that publishers need to know in order to attract even more players?


UX Research ManifestoUX Research Manifesto

This manifesto covers all the basics on different UX research methodologies, when to use them, how to calculate sample participant size and more!


Download our white paper White Paper: Listen to your users to improve your agility

This white paper is intended to be a pragmatic approach to making listening to users an agility tool, and a business tool for your organization. Whether you are a beginner or a UX pro, we hope that it will offer you clarity and some practical advice.


Retail in the UKRetail in the UK

This benchmark aims to identify main pain points and best practices for English users when they do a purchase journey on a retailer website, looking for a pair of jeans. 10 websites of UK retailers were tested by 15 testers each, for a total of 150 users.


ux in the usUX design in USA

Planning to launch your website or mobile app in the US market? Understanding the basics of American culture and its influence on the American digital landscape will prove invaluable in adapting your product.


UX design study in China UX Design in China

Planning to launch your website or mobile application in the Chinese market? Understanding the basics of Chinese culture and its influence on the Chinese digital landscape will prove invaluable in adapting your product.


ux in japanUX design in Japan

Planning to launch your website or mobile app in the Japanese market? Understanding the basics of Japan culture and its influence on the Japan digital landscape will prove invaluable in adapting your product.


Our online UX glossary User research glossary

This glossary aims to present specific words, terms and laws about user research and user experience design.


Download our UX checklist Checklist : Analyse your user feedback

Analyzing user feedback can sometimes seem complex. Below you will find our 9 tips to avoid missing out on something and getting actionable learning fast.


Download our UX checklist Checklist : What can you test?

It is essential to continuously collect feedback from your users in order to improve the value of your products and services. For this, you will find a list of what you can test with


Download our UX checklist Checklist : User feedback and analytics

In order to better understand your users, it is essential to measure their experience in terms of quantity and quality: the first tells you what and the second, why. We invite you to discover our list of good practices to analyze these two ideas together.


Customer Success Stories

L'Oréal / Vichy

R.O.I. measurement, UX impact measurement, recruitment in the USA, UK and Canada, iterative remote tests, exploratory interviews, the Skin Consult Vichy case illustrates a new trend of our clients to conduct UX studies at a strategic level.


Sanef Bip&Go

Understanding the users and their needs, creation of persona, co-creation workshop, etc. Discover the details of each step with the Sanef Bip&Go customer story. We have implemented a design thinking method called "double diamond" to support them in the launch of their new mobility application.


Fnac Darty

Fnac Darty wanted to assess the user experience of its WeFix brand, leader in smartphone repair, from the online research to the service provided at the store. 20 users all over France became mystery shoppers for Ferpection.


A few articles from our UX blog

Agile development? Test using the agile approach!

The process of redesigning your website has begun and you're planning to do it in agile mode. Whether it's being carried out internally or together with your web design agency, everything is ready and in place: the scrum master, the agile sprints, the test and learn approach. Or nearly everything that is. Because, unfortunately, you haven't planned as many tests as you have sprints.


How do you test your application while it's being developed?

Is it possible to test a mobile app while it's being developed? Yes! It's now simple and easy to make your app available to a sample of testers, no matter whether it's on Android or iOS (or also Windows, which we won't be discussing in this article).


Why test with users?

Users are the sole arbiters of the success or failure of a website or mobile app. Through the ratings and reviews they leave on app stores, they choose whether to encourage or discourage other potential users. And it's the same with a website: 62% of visitors will abandon it if they encounter browsing difficulties (source: 2016 IBM study). Why conduct user tests? The answer is self-evident.


Successfully putting together wireframes for your new website or mobile application

When launching a new digital project (whether it's a website, mobile application or new feature), there are always many uncertainties regarding the best way to proceed. The wireframe stage drastically reduces these uncertainties, thanks to prototypes and test users. In everyday language, we would simply call it a mock-up.


User Testing: What, When and How?

This time you are determined to actually run a user test. But how do you go about it? This article explores the basics of testing: what, when and how.


How many users should you interview?

User testing help you make decisions by reducing the uncertainty around your site or mobile application. You need to conduct research among a sufficient number of users, but how many exactly?
